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What they asked us to do...

How do you express innovation visually?  That was the task Alligator Planet faced when asked to create an identity video for non-profit UpStart Bay Area, an organization that inspires and advances innovative ideas that contribute to the growth and vitality of Jewish life.  To explain the group’s mission, Upstart asked Alligator Planet to create a short video with no dialog or talking heads.

What we did...  

We designed a short infographic animated piece that lays out the goals and vision of UpStart, expressing the organization’s ability to “cultivate, consult and connect” with social entrepreneurs.  From storyboard to animation, including an original score by Eli Noyes, we sought to capture the look and feel of the organization.

Our results...

Produced in two weeks for presentation at a national event, it is also viewable on the UpStart website, where it serves as a the group’s “visual mission statement”.

You can check out UpStart and its activities here.