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Intel Corporation


The goal: a thriving entrepreneurial culture supported by education, investment, and infrastructure.  Intel Corporation, building on its heritage of innovation, collaborates with governments, educators, NGOs and industry to encourage entrepreneurship as a drover of sustainable growth.  With the right tools, individuals can obtain the skills, technology and resources they need to build successful businesses that drive innovation, create employment, accelerate economic growth with a positive impact on society.

What they asked us to do...

Intel called on Alligator Planet to produce a short animated movie to illustrate how “The Power of e” (entrepreneurship) can change the lives of people, their families, their communities and even their countries. With a story concept by Intel’s Manav Subodh and creative direction by UC Berkeley and Princeton professor John Danner, we were challenged to tell this story simply, with only pictures, music,  and some onscreen text, to appeal to the largest possible audience.

What we did...  

With drawings and direction by Eli Noyes, animation by Jeffery Roth and original score and sound by Disher Music & Sound, we animated a four-minute film that tells a universal story.

Our results...

Intel has shown the film internally, on its website, and around the world at innovation conferences, and event at the Turkish Stock Exchange, with great success.