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All images ©2010 International Rivers Network

International Rivers

IR protects rivers and defends the rights of communities that depend on them. It opposes destructive dams and encourages better ways of meeting people's needs for water, energy and flood protection.

What they asked us to do...

International Rivers wanted a special presentation for their 25th anniversary celebration, honoring IR’s long tradition of protecting rivers around the world.  The work had to be suitable for HiDef projection to a large audience and look good on the small screen of the web. A limited budget wouldn’t allow for extensive filming of interview and supporting footage. The film was to be short, while describing all of IR’s varied efforts -- a real editorial challenge!

What we did...

Working hand-in hand with IR’s Lori Pottinger and her staff, Eli Noyes drew from their archive of high quality, high resolution stills. One of the staff, Ian Elwood, was able to shoot a few new interviews with key staff members. IR also interviewed staff in their overseas offices and sent their footage in to us. We amplified these assets by creating several animated sequences illustrating the decrease of dam building, the increase of solar-powered projects, and some simple before/after drawings of a dammed river.

Eli integrated all these resources and edited a rough assembly from Lori’s outline. From there, editing was an ongoing process of refinement and careful reduction, adding camera moves, subtitles and music.  At last, the film played quickly and effectively.

Our results...

The screening was a big hit!  Audience members learned what an effective institution IR is. Many were also past associates of IR, reuniting after many years. The film served as a focal point for their enthusiasms, as well as galvanizing fundraising tool. The film is now featured on the front page of the International Rivers website.